"The New Normal": Sartorial and Body Practices of the Quarantine Era  Presentation: “My Own Private Sewing Bee - Navigating the Personal and the Public in Lockdown”

"The New Normal": Sartorial and Body Practices of the Quarantine Era Presentation: “My Own Private Sewing Bee - Navigating the Personal and the Public in Lockdown”

Abstract: The Covid-19 lockdown restrictions have provided me with time and space for returning to fashion-related projects and pastimes that have been literally “on the shelf”. While social distancing requires us to exist online more than ever, it also brings analogue pursuits back into the field of vision. I have been sewing almost every day since the lockdown started, and as my hoard of fabric gets smaller, and a wardrobe of clothes to wear online for the foreseeable future gets larger, I have also returned to a long-abandoned ritual of keeping a sewing journal inspired by those in museum collections. For The New Normal, I will present this work in progress, reflecting on both taking part in a tradition and on the shift to mastery-oriented goals that the pandemic has inspired in my practice.

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Developments in Dress History
to Dec 11

Developments in Dress History

University of Brighton, UK

Satirical Sartorial: Fashion Cartoons in the New Yorker 1925-2010

This paper provided an overview of my MA research in fashion curation, and was presented at a conference dedicated to the work and influence of Professor Lou Taylor.

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